Hi Cotton Jack Russell Terriers
The pups are raised in our kitchen with love.   The whole family plays with them to help socialize them.  They come with a written health guarantee.  Their parents are JRTCA registered and DNA tested for PLL, HU, DM & SCA.  All pups are sold with a  contract to protect the buyer, seller and most of all the puppy being sold. 
At Hi Cotton we love our puppies.  
Occasionally we have pups or adults available to approved homes.  
We are not a "puppy store"  

We have some of the best quality 
British and American bloodlines.  
Our dogs have won multiple awards 
in a variety of venues.   References
 are available.       

We make every effort to ensure 
our pups are strong, healthy, &
 well socialized.  The health of our
 pups' begins generations in 
advance of their birth with the
 proper feeding and management of their parents, grand parents, and great grandparents.  

We test our animals for various disorders prior to breeding so you can be sure that they will have the greatest chance of good health.  

The parents are registered with the JRTCA which requires a vet visit to ensure the dogs registered are sound and free of obvious disease or defects.  

We try to match the dog to the home for the greatest chance of a happy combination. And we back up our guarantees in writing.  

We are responsible for our pups for their lifetime.  If they ever need to be re-homed we stand as a safety net for them.  They are family and can always come home again.  

We will ask a lot of questions.  Our pups can only go where they are appreciated and safe.  We want the buyer to be happy with their pup for its lifetime.  

Puppies are not allowed to leave till at least 9 weeks of age to allow us to give a minimum of two shots to help protect the pups.